Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Goal setting tips helps set effective goals. However..


If you want it to be really good, you must make sure you get these vital goal setting tips right.

Start off by saying SETTING GOALS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!!! More often than not, I meet people who underestimate the power of goal setting. (I was one of them) People often tell me “I know what I want in life, I don’t need to set goals and write it out” Though it seems like a simple act, it has a huge impact.

Sometimes as achievers, we are so engrossed in ‘doing’. We wanna take action, get this and that done. I used to think that I rather use the time to actually do something to achieve it. And not ‘waste’ time on goal setting. Big mistake. Why? Because goals ;

• Keeps us on track – It’s so easy to get distracted nowadays. You have the bf/gf/husband/wife, TV, internet, family, friends, relatives, job, parties etc all demanding our attention. It’s easy to get preoccupied with unimportant things if we don’t set goals.

• Gets us to focus on important things – things that matter to us in the long run

• Saves time – because your actions will be focused on one outcome. You won’t be expanding unnecessary energy on useless actions.

• Gets us off our butts to take action!

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