Friday, November 14, 2008

Getting it right : Means goal vs End goal


This is the most important of all goal setting tips. When setting goals, make sure you set end goals and not mean goals. End goals are the things that you ultimately want to achieve. Mean goals are used as a means to achieve the end goal.

For example, the I-want-to-be-rich goal. I’ll assume that it is not your end goal because I don’t think that what you’re seeking for is more digits in your bank balance. Rather it is the things that money can give, such as happiness, security, freedom and taking care of your loved ones.

Unfortunately, too many people get caught up in the process of accumulating more dollars that they end up unhappy and unfulfilled no matter how much money they make. Of course they’re unhappy. It’s because focused on a mean goal, not end goal.

Here’s a familiar story: Young man works in a large corporation, aiming to be the CEO so that he can have the money to live a life of security, freedom and happiness. Works hard for 20 years, finally becomes the CEO. But in doing so, for 20 years he spent most of the time working (no freedom, no time for loved ones), the stress is killing him (unhappy), and it affected his relationship with family members and friends.

So he may have achieved his target, but he sure didn’t get his ultimate goal. You definitely do not want to walk down that path.

To set a goal, sacrifice for it and finally achieve it, only to find out too late that it didn’t give you what you really wanted. Just thinking about that makes me feel sick.

Take your time when setting goals. Don’t be anxious to get it over with. If you get it wrong, all your time and effort will eventually go down the drain.

The nature of personal development makes it easier to not confuse end and mean goals. However, when it comes to business goal setting, career goal setting and student goal setting , it is easy to get confused and fall into the trap. Make sure that you get it right.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Goal setting tips helps set effective goals. However..


If you want it to be really good, you must make sure you get these vital goal setting tips right.

Start off by saying SETTING GOALS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!!! More often than not, I meet people who underestimate the power of goal setting. (I was one of them) People often tell me “I know what I want in life, I don’t need to set goals and write it out” Though it seems like a simple act, it has a huge impact.

Sometimes as achievers, we are so engrossed in ‘doing’. We wanna take action, get this and that done. I used to think that I rather use the time to actually do something to achieve it. And not ‘waste’ time on goal setting. Big mistake. Why? Because goals ;

• Keeps us on track – It’s so easy to get distracted nowadays. You have the bf/gf/husband/wife, TV, internet, family, friends, relatives, job, parties etc all demanding our attention. It’s easy to get preoccupied with unimportant things if we don’t set goals.

• Gets us to focus on important things – things that matter to us in the long run

• Saves time – because your actions will be focused on one outcome. You won’t be expanding unnecessary energy on useless actions.

• Gets us off our butts to take action!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

F + A = Success

Author: Ethan

Have you ever felt discouraged at the lack of progress you are making in self improvement? Feel that the results you’re getting don’t reflect the amount of effort you’re putting in?

I know exactly how you feel. It can be really frustrating. I felt like giving up many times before. However, putting aside all fancy stuff, essentially 2 things are needed for successful personal development : focus & approach. Those who seem to not succeed lack either one of the two (some have neither!)

Focus means to follow through on your self improvement actions consistently without getting distracted along the way. I was guilty of lack of focus. I used to constantly search and load new information into my brain before I even had the chance to properly apply what I have learned. I never practiced something long enough to see the results. Sounds easy but it took me years to develop the discipline to focus on something long enough.

Approach means the strategies and teachings for personal development. Nowadays, everywhere you turn there seems to be a new self improvement book or program. Which to follow? Some are gold, some are junk, and many are basically preaching the same principles. I have experienced all 3 types, and you probably have too. Rest assured, there are no ‘junk’ here.

So, to achieve success, take care of these 2 areas first!! With the right approach and a 100% commitment, anything can be achieved.

If you keep moving towards your goal everyday, you will eventually reach it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Well you will be wondering what is this blog spot all about. This blog spot is all about personal development among Malaysian youth, regardless your race, ethnicity or religion. The question here is, how are we going to make Malaysia a better place to leave for the future generations. For sure we need to be competitive personally. We need to be informative. There is a saying “those who conquer information, hold the world in his/her finger tips”. Lets discuss further, how are we going to mold our youths…………

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